Dear Friend,
Today, we stand up for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the many who have come before them, including in our own Milwaukee community, Joel Acevedo and Dontre Hamilton. We stand in solidarity with the peaceful protests against racism and stand against the ongoing brutality toward people of color.
Milwaukee Teacher Education Center is a voice for education, an advocate of diversity, and champion for change that strengthens not only our Milwaukee community but the state and nation as a whole. As a Black woman, I know the pain of discrimination and will never forget my first experience with racism, at the age of 9, in the fourth grade—
I can’t help but think of the young people we have the honor of serving at the Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Academy, a MTEC Charter School, and how important our job is to ensure scholars experience and know the power and hope of inclusivity and change. MESA is a safe space for all children, where social justice is a lens used via daily instruction.
We believe resources for educators can assist in teaching in this matter for every classroom. In 2018, MTEC intentionally began an expansion of professional learning services for educators around secondary trauma and trauma-informed care. This is more important than ever. MESA teachers receive training on Social and Emotional learning and development. We encourage not only our teachers, but all educators to use resources, such as the ones below, to discuss racism in the classroom and overcome personal bias.
● 15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest
● The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
● The National Geographic: Talking to Kids About Race
● Books to Help Explain Racism and Protest to Your Kids
In addition, according to the research, over 80% of the teaching workforce is white. We clearly can not leave our colleagues out of the discussion. Please consider the following resources shared from our EL Education partner as a resource in your own journey as an ally.
● What White Colleagues Need to Understand (Teaching Tolerance)
● 10 Things Every White Teacher Should Know When Talking About Race (Angela Watson)
We invest in urban communities by expanding access to academic, personal, and professional growth opportunities, it’s our mission and more than ever the guiding trajectory. As our country faces the racial disparities and systematic racism that exist in the educational arena, MTEC renews its commitment to stand, recognize, and identify these challenges. MTEC chooses to stand and to be a leader in fostering conversations, creating arenas for education, and working to build awareness.
I invite you to stand with us.
Laci Coppins Robbins, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Donate today to invest in urban communities by expanding access to academic, personal, and professional growth opportunities.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us in these efforts!

Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Academy
6600 West Melvina Street
Milwaukee, WI 53216
Phone: 414-353-3830
Fax: 414-353-3834

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